Little Muffins
Family Day Care
Gold Coast ~ Brisbane ~ Ipswich
Logan City ~ Moreton Bay
Little Muffins Educators
Erika's FDC ~ Molendinar/Nerang
Offers affordable, 'home away from home' childcare in a safe, happy & caring environment.
Family operated, qualified and experienced Educator.
~ languages: Hungarian
~ offers all day care Tuesday - Thursday
~ Taking bookings now for 2024!
Phone: Erika 0432 361 981

'Sunny Smiles Family Day Care'
Opening February 2024 - please enquire now!!! Are you looking for a warm and caring environment which fosters creativity and imagination? Do you love your child being able to connect with nature in a loving and caring home away from home environment? Qualified and experienced Educator.
Vacancies are limited: Tuesday ~ Friday
PHONE Shelley: 0434 066 727

*Vacancies* ~ Ashmore/Molendinar/Southport
* Educational programme fun, safe, low ratios with spacious outdoor play space
Child initiated play-based learning experiences in a safe, supportive and nurturing setting facilitating social and cognitive development. Designed to cater for each child's needs and interest, built around individual interests. Play is a vital part of a child's life and is the way they make sense of their world.
Phone: Sweet House Child Care - 0433 110 580

SeaShells Family Day Care ~ Southport
Your educator, Michelle:
- 30 years experience in the childcare industry
- Diploma trained including first aid, asthma and anaphylaxis
- Passionate about teaching and educating children to reach their potential within a fun and loving environment
About SeaShells:
- Approved for the Centrelink Rebate
- We have a designated space in our home which has been converted to the kindy space including a play room, sleep room and an outdoor play space.
- We incorporate the EYLF emergent curriculum which is based on the extension of individual children's interests.
Whether they are new to childcare or heading off to school soon, we recognise that each child learns at an individual pace and cater to these needs.
- We have a maximum of 4 children a day which means more one-on-one time for children and their educator
- Rather than the hustle and bustle of busy long day care centres, FDC provides a more personal style to learning.
Warm and loving relationships are the foundation of children’s self-esteem, because this step alone aids in a child feeling valued.
When children are confident and secure about who they are they’re more likely to motivate themselves, take on new challenges, cope with and learn from mistakes.
They can work towards the concept of asking for help when they need it!
- Registered with Little Muffins Family Day Care Scheme
Phone: Michelle 0414 928 408
Email: seashellsdaycare@icloud.com

Little Muffins Family Day Care
Providing high quality care in loving, safe, home environment focussing on enriched care, one-on-one interactions, learning and development. Little Muffins family day care Educators are qualified, experienced and caring educators, offering educational, play-based programs designed to meet the interests, needs and abilities of each individual child.
- Educational program based on the Early Years Learning Framework V2.0
- Daily routine based on children's individual needs, interests and experiences
- Educators maintain yearly Professional Development training
- Safe and Caring Environment
- Community participation
- Excursions to local playgroups, library or playgrounds
Vacancies on the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Redcliffe, Scenic Rim & surrounding locations
0400 565 002 ~ info@littlemuffins.com.au